
After I finished a day at work me and my youngest brother went to our older brother and his family for a visit. He and his wife has such beautiful children! We sat outside on the terrace and we talked about funny things. One of the things we talked about was spiders. My younger brother was working in afghanistan for six months and he told me there are spiders who are called camelspiders. They are huge! My brother told me they don't really know if they are spiders or some kind of animal... Yuck! When I got back in the house I opened up my msn and had a chat with sis' who lives in Texas, like I often have. And then I started to chat with my Mueen, my love. He's soo sweet. He always say cute things to me. I wish time can fly a little faster sometimes. I'm looking for an apartment now because we wanna live together and have our own place. We don't like sharing a place with other people. It never feels like home. I hope I will find my way home some day.. This night I'm gonna get more sleep than usual. I HAVE to go to bed earlier because I just can't live the way I do now. I'm not taking care of myself. But I'm more of a late night person than an early morning person. Sleep is so important and I'm starting to realise that. Even if it sucks going to bed early it's really worth it in the end and hopefully I'll wake up as a happy person who's full of energy! (as if I ever will get used to early mornings...)

What a day

Today I had my eyes checked and I'm glad my sight hasn't got any worse and that's good cause I don't see very well and hopefully I won't get blind. :P
After  the check I had a nice cup of coffe and a big sandwich at the coffeshop called " Skafferiet "  with the snooklover.
We also went to some shops and wow I got a new dress! I am the kind of person who usually don't wear dresses but I've decided to become more feminin and show off my gorgeus body haha. It's time to like my body as it is and become more confident. I'm at the point where I'm so tired of the old me and now I feel that I'm starting to find out who I am. Before, I've had a very hard time listening to myself and what I think about things. I remember one time when I tried to find a nice handbag and I couldn't stop myself from thinking what people would say about it. Why would others opinion be more important compared to my own?

After som shopping me and the snooklover went out for a ride and we passed the beautiful ocean and the sunshine reflected on the waves. What a sight. Inside the car the swedish hiphop music was pumping!

Kommentera mera!

I was just wondering if anyone is reading my blogg... Because if anyone IS reading it there would be some comments. I think. I know you don't have to comment a blogg just because you're reading it. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be afraid to comment.
To me I think having a blogg is a great opportunity to get your thoughts out and you feel much better when you've wrote it down. It's easier to let go and release all the million thought's that are spinning in my head..

So remember, if you have any thought's about what I'm writing about here, don't hesitate to somment. It doesnt matter if you don't agree.

Var positiv

Imorgon har jag en härlig ledig dag framför mig! Jag ska verkligen slappa så mycket jag kan da. Jag hoppas att det blir fint väder så man kan ligga lite i solen. Det finns inget som gör mig så avkopplad som att vara i naturen och känna solens värmande strålar. Synd bara att sommaren tar slut och förvandlas till en dyster omgivning. Men man ska inte deppa för det. Nej man ska hitta på annat skoj som att se på film och fika och kanske ta en promenad då och då. Så länge man umgås med trevliga människor blir livet en lek. Man behöver inte tänka på att man ska jobba, man behöver inte tänka på allt skit som händer. Nej man ska se det som inte ar förjävligt och vara positiv även om man kanske egentligen har ont här eller där eller känner sig jävligt ful en dag. Det är ingen som vill höra det. Jag vet själv att om man låtsas att allt e bra så blir man automatiskt lite gladare. Allt blir lite lättare..  Livet blir vad man gör det till.

Ordinary day

Today I've done nothing interesting.. I woke up 11.45 and went to work at 14.45. And in between I just did ordinary stuff wich means, eating breakfast sitting on the couch waching some musicvideos, checking my e-mails and relaxing for a while. Sometimes I 'm lucky enough to chat with my man for an hour or so. We chat almost everyday now and I look forward to it everyday.. It's been so long since I saw him. But I hope he's home before it's too cold here. It can't be fun arriving to an icecold country if you've spent almost a year in a country that has about 30 to 40 degrees. Anyway, I will be so happy to have him back again. I can't believe I've been alone for such a long time.  Well, love makes you stronger than you think. Goodnight!

Life is good

Jag kan garantera att tiden rinner ivag nar man jobbar.. Ja jag vet nu skriver jag pa svenska men som ni ser har jag inte de sista bokstaverna i alfabetet pa min data darav anledningen till att jag brukar skriva pa engelska... Darfor andrar jag till engelska for annars blir jag bara irriterad hehe...

I woke up at six this morning and whoops the time is already 14.30 in the afternoon! It feels like time goes much faster at 23 yrs of age then it does at 10 yrs of age. Well,well.

I'm meeting the girls tonight and we're going to dance! Summers is almost over and I'm starting to panic. Now when I'm so happy to see the sun and feel the warmth i will have to accept the fact that fall will be here any time soon. And after that, the horrible winter is coming back to bring me down. How I wish to be somewhere else when that time comes.
I can deal with fall because it's a cosy time and I can wear big comfy sweaters wich I love.  But when the snow and ice comes I dont have a choice but to stay inside all day long except when I have to go to work or the store..
I don't wanna complaint too much and I try to be grateful for my life and everything that I've got. There are people all around the world that has got a way worse living than I do.

What was I writing about?? Oh yeah, I'm meeting the girls and by the girls I mean Bea and Ziza. What would I do without you two? Now when my sister's moved  to Texas. You always have the time to meet me even if you've got a whole lot to do. Thanks for that. And I don't mean you HAVE to see me but I feel That I have somebody to talk to and who is there for me.
Life can be so good when you start to appreciate things more.

A night out

It was really nice to sleep til' I woke up this morning without feeling I had to do something. Well I decided with my mother that I would meet her in town but that's always nice. We had a cup of coffe at the regular place, not so funky like the other places but it's alright. As long as there is coffee..
We had a good chat and I'm happy to have her as my mom. She is so strong and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her when dad died and left three kids behind.. She is such a loving person and she's always supportive and I had the best childhood though we didn't have much money but money is not everything.  I don't really miss going to school because I did'nt feel like I fit in, but I'm very happy I made it through. 
After our little chat I went to the licoure store with Bea to bye something to drink before our night out. It's been a while since i went out and I'm looking forward to it. What I fear for is that the DJ I don't like at all will be DJ'ing at the club we're going to.
He is the worse! All he can play is this horrible technomusic. Sometimes when I've asked him to play some R&B he said he would but he have never played the right songs... What a great DJ! Sometimes I reconsider becoming a DJ only to show people what music is about...  Sometimes it's alright to play techno but remember  music is alot of different genres and R&B/HipHop is the perfect music to dance to in the club. It's alright if you mix but don't play music that's impossible to dance to. I just don't see how this person thinks... Enough of negativity. Sorry but I'm very serious when it comes to music. I'm gonna have dinner now. That's what I really need before A night out.

Free from work

Thank God I'm having two days off! I'm soo tired right now after a stressful day at work. These two days will be good. Tonight I'm going to play some minigolf with bea and ziza. It was such a long time ago.. Like 5 yrs or something. I remember that I'm not very good at it but that makes it all much funnier right?? I just hope that I won't be in a bad mood when I loose haha.
Bea and me have decided to Have a night out tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it! I don't go out much because there are not many places to go to on this Island. I'm not a fan of drinking either because I don't like the feeling of being drunk. But one or two drinks is alright. As long as they taste nice... Usually when I don't work I prefer not to make any plans and just BE.
Well I hope my two days off will fulfill my expectations.

Finally home after A long day at work

It feels so good to relax after a long day of work. Only sitting on the couch listening to my favorite music with myself as company. Sometimes it's soo nice to be alone because I don't need to talk to anyone. When I'm tired I just hate being social beacuse it can be so exhausting.. Anyway.. I have to write something even if I'm tired right? Why else would I start a blogg??
I've just read my sister's blogg. She moved to Texas this June with her American husband and their son Jeremiah who's turning 1 the 17th of oktober. I miss them soo much and everytime I read about them I wanna go and visit them and I'm going to. I gotta se the place they live in. I spent so much time with them when they lived here on Gotland and I've watched Jeremiah grow from a newborn baby to an 8 months old little person. He's such a beautiful boy. My sister Denise and me is very close ( some people think we're twins :P ) and we always hanged out since we were little. She's my Best friend and I love her so much. I'm very happy for her and her family. Now I'm going back to my music.



Miss my man

Today I was chatting with my man and I realised how much I miss him. He's been away for 7 months now wich feels like an eternity.. But I'm strong and I can wait for him.
When you really love someone you can wait a very very long time because you know you'll se his face again someday. I move on with my life and make plans for the future and he's part of my future.


Tonight I've had a great time with two of my nearest friends ( And I don't have many )! We had a delicious dinner with alot of laughters, music and a couple glasses of wine...
I have so much fun spending time with them And I know I can trust them and will keep them for the rest of my life whatever happens. I can really be myself with them and I'm not afraid to speak up my mind.
I have to say that I'm pretty careful with choosing friends because I need to feel that I can rely on them and be supported by them.
Today I'm proud of myself for not trusting everyone like I once did. I feel more confident than I've ever been thanks to them.
I know the first chapter of my blogg is kinda selfobsessed but.... I don't care anymore. I'ts time to be a little selfish.

This is me

I'm gonna start my blogg with telling a little about myself.
I'm a swedish/turkish woman in the age of 23 born in Stockholm and grown up on Gotland with two brothers and one sister. My older brother is swedish/spanish and has the same mother. My Dad was born in Izmir, Turkey and he past away 1989 when I was only three yrs old. My biggest passion in life is music.

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