Lost my brain

Today I've been totally lost and excausted.. I slept to little last night but I had a good reason. I was talking to my angel. I was about to go to dreamland when I got a textmessage from him. I won't be able to talk to him for a month so I just HAD to talk to him last night. Tomorrow Ramadan begins and that means he will work in the nights and sleep in the days. In his country they do that because they can't eat or drink as long as the sun is up for one month. That's haram wich means not allowed according to their religion.
I've been at grandmother's house and we watched a great show on TV. It was from 1974 and it was about the musicalfilms made by MGM. They showed alot of dance and musical scenes from the best musicalfilms ever made from 1930 and up. The stars that were shown was Gene Kelly, Judy garland, Fred Astair, Frank sinatra and many more. I like the old films because they were so talented and professional at that time. They almost never make such great musicalfilms anymore.. They were also very well made and everything was so big.
Back home I crashed on the couch after taking a shower and eating dinner. Or a VERY late lunch.... Anyway this day has been crazy. Somehow it felt like I left my brain at home in the bed. I was a zombie.. I been doing  weird things you do when you haven't slept well at all.  Well now I'm gonna continue searching for my brain..


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